Have you ever witnessed a rock, paper, scissors battle? In Ninjan, your aim is to recruit the best ninjas for your team. Play your cards at the right time and outsmart your opponents to get their best recruits. When will you be able to play? What will happen before your turn? These are just some of the questions you'll be trying to answer as you prepare your cards. Ninjan is a game where you have to anticipate your opponents' actions to gain an advantage.
-Choose one of your cards. Be careful, you'll have to play them all by the end!
-When everyone has chosen, reveal your cards. The one with the highest value goes first.
-Pick up a pile of cards from the centre of the table using the rock, paper, scissors rule. Your card replaces this pile on the table.
Will your strategy go according to plan? Keep the cards you have won and accumulate as many victory points as possible to win the game.